Welcome to The Spinal Stenosis Authority web encyclopedia. This completely free spinal stenosis back pain resource is a proud part of The Cure Back Pain Network of websites. I am your guide, Sensei Adam Rostocki, founder of the Network and the author of a tremendous number of articles and research papers about back and neck pain. I hope that this online resource helps you to answer many of the questions that you have regarding spinal stenosis and sets you on the right path towards treatment. Remember, the purpose of this site is to supplement and enhance the relationship between you and your doctor.
Spinal Stenosis Back Pain Experiences
I suffered from acute and chronic back pain from the time I was 16 years old. I was originally diagnosed with degenerative disc disease and scoliosis as the sources of my pain, but this diagnosis was revised many times during the 18 years I spent in active treatment. Eventually, it was discovered that I had 2 lumbar herniated discs and this is when therapy became almost a full time job for me and my doctors.
I lost so much time and money treating my pain that I feel as if I missed out on most of the best years of my young life. I am now trying to make up for lost time and that includes helping others to treat their own chronic back and neck pain conditions using not only my own personal experience and extensive medical industry connections, but also the stories and treatment journeys sent in by tens of thousands of patients over the years.
At this point, I am proud to say that The Cure Back Pain Network has helped hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people recover from their pain. However, it all started with the goal of helping just one. I hope that you can join this group of recovered patients who found just what they needed to become back pain-free on the pages of these various websites.
Remember, I am not here to sell you anything. I just want to provide you with the information you need to help yourself. I do not want anything from you, but extend to you my most sincere wishes for a true and permanent recovery, leading to a fulfilling life without pain.
Back Pain Resources
There are four other sites in The Cure Back Pain Network. These are all expert resources for patients suffering from specific back, neck and sciatica pain conditions.
Learn everything about back pain on our flagship website, Cure-Back-Pain.Org. This site also contains a large section dedicated to spinal stenosis.
Herniated-Disc-Pain.Org is the place to find everything related to intervertebral spinal disc conditions. Learn all about a herniated disc, including what caused it, how to diagnose it correctly and how to treat it successfully.
Sciatica is known to be a torturous and stubborn condition to cure. Our focused website Sciatica-Pain.Org provides a comprehensive exploration of this nerve pain syndrome and helps patients to better understand their symptoms.
Do you have neck pain? Discover why pain occurs in the cervical spine and better understand the best approaches to care by taking part in the discussions hosted on Neck-Pain-Treatment.Org.
The Chronic Pain Coach is a completely different type of resource for people who suffer, but still want to manage their symptoms holistically and without the horrible health dangers of drugs and surgeries.
Piriformis syndrome is one of the main sources of treatment-resistant sciatica symptoms. Learn how to resolve piriformis pain for good at the world’s leading resource on piriformis diagnoses.
Facet joint pain is a growing diagnostic theory used to explain back and neck pain. However, many cases are mistakenly diagnosed and originate from other sources rather than coincidental facet joint degeneration.
Scoliosis patients can find the most up to date information on atypical spinal curvatures on Scoliosis-Pain.Com.
Spondylolisthesis can be a cause of spinal stenosis, as well as a source of other pathological concerns in the backbone. Learn the facts of the condition before seeking treatment.
Lower back pain is a very common torture for adults around the world. Learn why low back pain is so common and what can be done to relieve it safely and effectively on Low-Back-Pain.Org.
Sacroiliac joint pain problems can be debilitating and difficult to diagnose and successfully treat, Learn all about the causes, symptoms and treatment for sacroiliac joint issues.
The full story of The Cure Back Pain Network is detailed below.
Spinal Stenosis Back Pain Summary
My motivation for working so diligently on The Cure Back Pain Network stems from the misdiagnosis of my own pain at the hands of dozens of doctors during my 18 years of torment. I was so disgusted at the poor treatment results I received that I literally made changing the system my life’s work.
I know that it is hard for one person to change the world, but so far I am very happy, but not complacent, with the results. I already see an impact on the way back pain is treated and see my own ideas reflected in many other corporate websites which used to be my own inspiration when The Network was just getting started. Most importantly, I know The Cure Back Pain Network is making a huge difference in the lives of people every day because I receive and appreciate your letters of thanks and positive results. These always mean so much to me, so keep them coming, they never get old.
So, in closing, this website, Spinal-Stenosis-Treatment.Org is the latest expression of my hope to improve the care sector for a potentially very serious spinal condition. I hope to clarify the facts about spinal stenosis and dispel many of the myths which lead to poor treatment results.
More than anything, I hope to prevent the same 18 years of misery from becoming your fate, as it did mine. I nearly lost everything from my back pain. But, I decided to fight back. I encourage you to do the same.