Spinal stenosis and TMS are contrasting diagnostic theories which both come into play in many patients. Traditional care providers rarely, if ever, make the diagnosis of tension myositis syndrome, since this would make them irrelevant to the treatment protocol (i.e. no money). These same caregivers will often diagnose spinal stenosis as being causative for pain, even when the condition is mild, does not correlate to the symptomology and shows a poor chance of responding to the treatment plan. However, the benefit of this latter approach to diagnosis is the ability to make lots of money, so it still sounds really good to many less ethical or less enlightened doctors.
It is no surprise that so many diagnosed chronic spinal stenosis back pain sufferers eventually find Dr. John Sarno’s teachings and also are blessed enough to turn this discovery into real relief. This narrative explores the link between misdiagnosed stenosis pain and the actual source process of tension myositis syndrome.
Mindbody Spinal Stenosis and TMS
Spinal stenosis can be a causative condition for pain and it may also be contributory. This is particularly true when the stenotic change is advanced or extreme. In these circumstances, there is little doubt that pain and other neurological spinal stenosis symptoms are likely to occur purely from the anatomical changes in the vertebral column anatomy. However, stenosis can also be a scapegoat condition, like other spinal abnormalities. In these instances, it really does not matter what the diagnosis may be, regardless of whether it is spinal arthritis, a herniated disc or degenerative disc disease. The structural change may certainly exist, but it is not the source of the pain.
This helps explain why so many spinal stenosis treatments fail so often and so miserably. After all, how can they succeed if they are not targeting the real source of agony? Meanwhile, our own proprietary mindbody program, Cure Back Pain Forever can cure pain effectively and safely, despite doing nothing to change the spinal anatomy. This explains why the program has been praised by so many doctors worldwide.
Spinal Stenosis and Tension Myositis Syndrome
A great number of patients suffer with misdiagnosed spinal stenosis, or some other structural scapegoat concern, for months, years of decades. In most cases, the patient has a long history of attempted treatments which never seem to work well or for very long. Many patients also have undergone spinal stenosis surgery without finding a cure.
At some point, they get some clue that something is not quite right. Why are they still suffering after all this medical care? Why can’t any doctor seem to fix them? What is going on? This questioning is what brings most people into full-time research mode. This is when they discover Dr. John Sarno. Maybe they read something online or received a recommendation to read his books from one of the millions of successfully treated patients.
Spinal Stenosis and TMS Report
So, how does one know if spinal stenosis is the real source of pain or if something more, or less, sinister may be responsible. This is a difficult question with no cookie-cutter answer. However, here are some guidelines to help you decide if TMS may actually be the root condition responsible for your torment:
Have you experienced diagnostic eclecticism? This is defined as different diagnoses, or ever-changing diagnoses, especially in response to ineffective treatments.
Have you tried many spinal stenosis treatments without success?
Is your stenosis mild to moderate and may have been called normal by some care providers?
Do you suspect a possible emotional contributor to your pain?
Are you simply so tired of getting nowhere with doctors?
If the answer to any of these is “yes”, then it may be time to consider researching this alternate explanation for pain. Remember, if it is tension myositis syndrome, then the best path to a cure is using knowledge therapy.
You can read a tremendous amount of dedicated articles about TMS and Dr. John Sarno using the search function. The Cure Back Pain Network is the place to find all the latest information on tension myoneural syndrome. Dr. Sarno passed away in June 2017 and is sadly missed by all who loved him and his work.
Spinal Stenosis > Alternative Medicine for Spinal Stenosis > Spinal Stenosis and TMS