The wide range of spinal stenosis drugs prescribed to battle the symptoms of the condition will do absolutely nothing to resolve the causative processes involved in the pain. This is crucial for any patient to fully understand, since I find it to be a point most often neglected by doctors who hand out these “magic pills”. Likewise, the many risks and complications associated with treating any type of chronic pain with drugs also might not be mentioned by your friendly doctor. Lastly, the things never talked about are the fat incentive checks many doctors receive for prescribing these pills from the pharmaceutical companies which make them. At the end of the day, you must be clear that the spinal stenosis treatment industry is indeed a business and doctors are in it to make money, sometimes at the expense of your health.
This narrative details the few advantages of pharmaceutical therapy, but also focuses a spotlight on the many significant risks of drug therapies for spinal stenosis sufferers.
Spinal Stenosis Drug Dangers
I am not taking any type of moral high road here. Let’s be clear about that. I have no problem with patients wanting to find relief from their pain and using the easiest way to do it: drugs. It is the American way, for sure. The problem I do have is when these very same patients do not know the risks involved, when it is the responsibility of their doctor, legally and ethically, to inform them. This is the issue at hand. Being that you will probably never enjoy full disclosure about these pharmaceutical money makers from your physician, I have taken the lead in providing it to you here.
Before getting involved with any prescription drug, be sure to understand the possible health consequences from limited and extended use. Remember, stenosis is a chronic concern and will require drug therapy long-term.
Spinal Stenosis Pharmaceutical Therapy
Here are some fast facts about many of the drugs used to treat spinal stenosis back pain and neck pain which may or may not be common knowledge:
Doctors make money prescribing certain drugs.
Drugs are the easiest form of symptomatic treatment. They take all the work out of doctoring: “Here, take these drugs and come back in a month. That will be $400”.
Drugs will never, ever, cure the underlying reason for the pain. They only mask the pain under a haze of pharmaceutical dope.
Drugs are dangerous. What is considered safe today is the reason for the lawsuits of tomorrow. Virtually all drugs have problematic known and unknown and side effects. Some can kill.
Drugs cause organ failure, anatomical damage and might literally poison the body.
Drugs can be physically and emotionally addictive, leading to dependency issues which are much worse than the pain they are made to treat.
Some prescribed drugs are not even indicated for their most common uses in the back pain sector.
Verdict on Spinal Stenosis Drugs
I write to enlighten, not to judge. If you like taking the pills for your pain and know the risks, then, by all means, knock yourself out.
I would suggest alternative means of pain relief, such as TENS or acupuncture, since these are free from the hazards of pharmaceutical therapy. However, as long as you are educated about your treatments, then the choice is yours to make.
More than anything, the biggest issue I have with the way doctors hand out pills is the assumption on the part of the patient that these dangerous chemicals are somehow helping them to recover. I hear this every day from your letters.
Come on doc, tell the truth. It should go something like this: “Mr. Patient. I am giving you these dangerous pills which will negatively impact your health over time and will probably make you half-witted, in addition. These drugs will not cure anything, but will make you feel better, so you will stop calling me. The money that I make from the big pharmaceutical company will help send me to Barbados for the tenth time this year, so I will not be here to take your calls anyway for the next 6 weeks. Thanks, pay on the way out”.
Enough said.
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